Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hanging out

We're just hanging out over here waiting for the baby to come in the next couple of weeks.

As the Dollhouse Turns

Tensions rise and tempers flare in the Fisher-Price home as the wife discovers her husband wearing her pink robe while dancing to Cher music.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Post Holiday Season

The Holidays are over, and we are tired and cranky around here......trying to get back into our normal routine.

Nice Job Hawks!

Congrats to the Iowa Hawkeyes, 2010 Orange Bowl Champions!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Alex and Kamryn received a homemade baby bed and baby crib from Grandma Hamilton and they happen to come with their own babies. One baby which at best can be described as awkward looking.

Water Park

So much fun to be had in Dubuque, IA while visiting Uncle Chad and Aunt Bridget during Christmas break.

Kamryn played with this water fountain for about a half hour.

The whole water gang is pictured here. Bridget and I were absent from this family picture as whales were strictly prohibited from the water.

Kamryn demonstrates her "premature" jumping skills here.

2009 Christmas Randoms

The following are X-mas pictures in random order. At this point I am too pregnant to care if they are in chronological order...... so here it goes-

Kamryn and Alex shares some fun times outside our house in the recent snow fall

Kamryn rips through her presents at Uncle Chad and Aunt Bridget's

My Dad has a holiday tradition--- "Gifts from the Attic" Each year he rummages thru the attic to see what kind of crap he can dig up and give away as gag gifts. This year was no disapointment. Seen here is my Highschool Diploma with an old Liz Claiborne purse permanently melted to it. (it gets hot in their attic in the summer time) Danny boy wrapped it as he found it..... I eventually was able to pry the two the apart to salvage my diploma.

Ah.. here is Poppee with those infamous Santa Gifts from the Elementary school. Here Poppee proudly displays his fire ball dog tag neckalce from Eric- which he purchased himself at school. Poppee wore it all day with pride.

Here Alex and Kamryn stand on top of what was revealed to be Kamryn's pink bean bag. Now she has one just like her sister.

Here is Alex in her Christmas preschool program.

Here is Alex singing Christmas songs at her school program. Surprisingly enough, she is the least animated, and one gesture behind everyone else.

At the Hamilton house it is a Christmas tradition to have the Christmas tree attached to a clapper.