Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Heine Family reunion Wisconsin Dells

Tommy Barlett ski show- a must attend if you are in the dells.

There is nothing better than motorcycles in a cage and Metallica blaring.... 
  The Wisconsin Dells Army Ducks

We enjoyed the family games we played at the resort.  The Hamilton Family dominated the Hula Hoop portion of the games- but finished dead last in last in the photo scavenger hunt. We later found out we were going off the wrong list... So funny!  Lets just say we laughed the entire weekend.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

4th of July 2014

After 12 hours of drinking beer in the same shirt, kevin and Brian try to make a burrito

Seconds after this picture was shot, we had a firework incident. Maghan safely got the children inside as the drunk people handling the fireworks could not be trusted.

Tyler = Done.

  The humidity and boat hair finally caught up to us.

Brian your package has arrived:

This is how this conversation went down...  phone rings

Is this Brian Hamilton
No, this is Robyn Hamilton
Uh yes, I have a freight delivery for Brian Hamilton, do you have access to a fork lift?
A forklift what! This is a residence not commercial property.
Oh ok so, I have down here that a tumble trax 10ft section trampoline was ordered, I have one driver, he is going to need help getting it off the truck.....
Me: uh I can see if my neighbor can help?

Memorial Day Weekend

Another year went by and we did not attend the Indy 500. So we just partied somewhere else with the Gambles.

Matt and I suck in for the camera.

Danny boy, passed out next to the camp fire.

But first, let me take a Selfie.........4/27/14

Here's to letting your kids listen and dance to smut on itunes... and laughing your butt off as they rave dance to one of the stupidest, funniest song ever while not understanding a word of it as they regurgitate the lyrics.....
My version of parenting done right.......

Dock Removal

See this dock. Its old. It needs to go....

"You want me to help you with what?" You are cray cray Brian.

The photo sequence of the shore station being moved.

After ( Grandma raking lake-weed)