Wednesday, January 5, 2011


During Christmas break we visited East Moline to spend Christmas with the Hammy's. In true Hamilton/Griswold form, a sledding trip to the infamous Hampton Hill was in order. The Hampton hill has a history of tailbone bruisings and misc. injuries to extremities amoungst the Hamilton Family. Armed with a couple of saucer sleds from Uncle Chad's, a 40 year old toboggan sled, and a pair of $10 dollar tire tubes courtesy of the local tire store down the street, all 11 of us bundled ourselves up and headed to the hill.

And no Nana Gamble, we didnt send them down the hill by themselves.

Tyler, Mr. Danger, was in heaven

Tyler Hamilton, youngest sledder on the hill.

The Girls with Dad.......

1 comment:

Lori said...

You did not just send your baby flying down a snowy hill .... you didn't! I'm going to look away now.