Ok just kidding, here she is Miss Kamryn Lynne Hamilton, born October 8th 2008 at 9:41am...weighing in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and at 19 inches long. And I gotta tell ya, she is a complete clone of her older sister Alex. We could not get over how much she looked like Alex when she was born.... We shall call her mini me...... Also on a side note, my labor rocked, my nurses were awesome.... I was alert and talking and carrying on conversation this time... 8 pushes and she was out. Epidurals rock....
Kamryn is doing just fine at home....out of the 4 nights she has been home---2 of those she has slept thru...(with feedings of course) Alex rocks as a big sister....although the name Kamryn escapes her as she is calling Kamryn,.... the baby....... we will get it straight sometime.
Here are some pictures... i will post more later when miss Kamryn is not attached to my boob 24/7.