Thursday, April 15, 2010

Church Garders

Here she is all dressed up in her Sunday best. We were all ready for church and Alex comes downstairs sporting a dress with 2 garders (hair scrunchies) around her legs.

5 Minutes Please

This is what happens when you go to check your email for 5 minutes and leave Kamryn and Alex downstairs by themselves.- Can I just have 5 minutes to myself?

Poor Tyler- hit by a baby doll tornado. Thank you Alex.

This would be Kamryn emptying out all of those tiny lava pebble things in our gas fire place.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The hair situation

As of now, I have yet to take a picture or get pictures taken of Tyler for his birth announcement. Sorry for those of you who are waiting.... I know you just cant stand the torture... Any who, the reason being is pictured below. Tyler has lost alot of his birth locks. He is male pattern balding before our eyes and starting to grow new hair on top, leaving us with a somewhat awkward look. He also has several holes or "bald spots" in the back.... not to mention a nice case of baby acne and skin flakage topped of with slasher marks on his face from his fingernails..... Point being, although he is the cutest thing ever, we are not in our best picture mode yet.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was a bit of a challenge for me to take pictures. I just plain failed. Tyler as of today Monday, had not pooped sinces last Wednesday night and I had a couple clogged milk ducts in my right boobie to top it off.... Splendid weekend.....But here are a couple pics of the girls with their Easter Bestest on.....

Easter Fun at the Hamiltons

Annual Easter Egg Hunt in the front yard.

The whole gang together.......................

Naked Egg Coloring...............

Sophia- Baptism

This is a picture after Sophia- our God Daughter was baptized last Sunday. Aunt Bee-Gee (Bridget), 1 of four children has a rather large family... All whom were not all present.... but 8 children in the 1st two pews at a Catholic Palm Sunday service with a 30 minute reading of the passion...... Priceless.

Car trip

Leave it to brian to come up with something genius to fix a problem. An old sweat head band to hold in Alex's ear phones. Dora never sounded so good. Thanks Dad.

Whip it

When a problem comes along you must whip it................. Da Da dun dun dun

Friday, April 2, 2010