Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brian- Finger

For those of you who didnt know, Brian cut his finger pretty bad while using a chisle and hammer about a month ago. We took him to the ER because he almost accidently chisled his entire finger off. He was working on putting hindges on a closet door when I heard the hollering from the garage.... I came out to the garage and there is blood everywhere- Kinda of like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I did not get any pictures of the actual finger because it was bleeding too bad to take towel off.... But before we left for the ER I managed to snap this shot of the blood spatters to his head... I was meaning to get a still picture but my camera was on "video" mode... anyways.... so mean of me to laugh, but I couldn't help it.....

Little Farters

Another Bad Hair Day

Ugly Sweater Party

Brian and I went to a "Deloitte" Ugly sweater party last Saturday night. Brian took home second place. We would like to personally thank Rick and Diane Hamilton for providing this fabulous Christmas couture.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving at Grandma /Grandpa Hamiltons

Hanging out with cousin Lauren on little chairs

This is Kamryn making her, "Im stuffed" face

Alex and Lauren decorate Christmas cookies for Santa for Christmas Eve. Lots of finger licking and frosting sampling going on here. Good thing Santa is requesting his H1N1 shot this year. Santa is about to injest a load full of germs here...

Uncle Chad and I make the last cookie. Its a dirty cookie. Leave it to us to make this experience a rated "R" one.

After Thanksgiving the next day we ventured off to the Quad Cities Tree Festival. Here the girls stick their head thru this contraption for a pic.

Then off to see Santa. I gotta tell ya, my main woman was strong this year as we did not strike out with Santa as we have with previous years.....Alex looked worried at first however she confidently whispered in his ear what she wanted for Christmas this year.- and then calmly got down as if she had never been afraid of him in her whole life.

But then there was Kamryn, venturing down the same path as her sister from years past, you can see the shear terror in her face here- even with sister at her side, she managed to squirm and cry her way out of this one... oh well, Santa and her can be friends next year.

.................................And we're done with this.....................................


If this doesnt spell A.D.D. I dont know what does. She is supposed to be telling me about a Dora episode, but she just cannot control her little body.

Sharing Feast at School

Here is Alex at her " Sharing Feast Show" at preschool. She was supposed to be singing at this point, however stage fright took over and not a smile, peep, or word came out of her mouth.- Sorry for the blurry video below as my battery on my camera was about done.....
This sort of stage fright is surprising to me considering the above video of her in the kitchen. Sometimes no one can shut up Chatty Cathy.

Colts Fans

Here they are dressed and ready for the big game on Sundays, enjoying the 11-0 season.