Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Kam!

The Peppa Pig cake. The girls beg me to watch this show everyday during Tyler's nap time "their quiet time" First it was Gabba, then Wubbzy, now Peppa. What next? Good thing they like shows with cheap graphics. Wonder what Ty will ask for on his 3rd birthday?

We went to Michigan to visit our old neighbors and friends the Bruce's Thank you Anutie Kim for making Kam Kam's 3rd birthday special.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brian and I kept wondering why his alarm clock was all jacked up in the morning. Um ya.

More adventures with Snow White.


Winter= more clothes= more laundry...... meaning the laundry sometimes throws up at the bottom of the stairs.

Job Update

In case you don't already know, Brian took a new job in July and is now with Weaver Popcorn. He frequently surprises us with free samples from work. Some real tasty,and some not so good. Needless to say our minions now are in love with popcorn especially Alex. That is her chocolate.

You can also find this stuff of course at Walmart. The place that sells everything known to mankind.


I try never ever to take the minions grocery shopping with me, however when popcorn boy is not around this is what happens. One of them is accidentally buried alive.

Fun with Fall leaves

Having fun with the one and only tree in our yard.

Fall Home Projects

Chair was broken. Tyler fixed it.

Repairing some holes in the drywall.

Wow. Tyler your talented. Look at those locker things you built.

Late Summer Dairy Queen Run

Lately our little minions have started to eat ice cream in some strange places

And Tyler, finishing up his treat in the neighbors driveway.