Monday, August 11, 2008

Kentucky House Boat Vacation

Just this last week, our families took a "houseboat vacation" for the first time on Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. Above you will see the picture of boat 753. ( The house boat we rented).....A 78 foot long by 18 feet wide house boat equiped with 6 private cabins, 2 slides off of the back, 15 person Hottub, 2 bathrooms, a full sized kitchen, living room, grill, etc.... You name it, it was on there. We had 12 people all together and we had plenty of room. Brians parents brought their speed boat for some added water sports fun for the kids. We had a blast. Here are a couple of pictures from this adventure....

Top 5 Memorable moments

1. Poppie Gamble (Danny Boy) trying to re-live his youth and water ski again. Rick (Grandpa Hamilton, Matt and myself were brought to tears of laughter. It was like a walrus out there with 2 skis on....... In the end Danny boy did not get up on the skis, blaming the boat for his own failure. Each time he tried - a new excuse surfaced.

2. As we left the doc to go explore the lake, on the loud speaker blasted songs like "Gilligans Island theme song, and the love boat" theme song. Other lake goers stopped stared and laughed at our twisted selection of music.

3. As Nana Gamble enter the water to swim we blasted the "Jaws" music.

4. Uncle Matt trying to paddle to shore with a cutting board used for cutting fish.

5. Uncle Matt after being de-pants-ed going down the water slide on his stomach. I couldnt see anything Matt, the white slide just blended in with your body.

Here is brother Matt looking ever so metally challenged in this picture as he heads for the shore to look for arrowheads. His paddle he is using is a board used for cutting fish.

Poppie Gamble works the grill on the front of the boat for some delicious burgers and Hotdogs. Nice Cigar.

Here is a picture of Poppie Gamble and Grandpa Hamilton after a few too many beers trying their best to dance to Micheal Jackson's Thriller. I gotta tell ya, a little pee came out after I shot this picture.

Here is Alex on her first tube ride behind the boat with Daddy and Grandma Hamilton.

Here is Alex jumping off whatever she can.

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