Friday, September 5, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

We took Alex to the Zoo for one of her 2nd Birthday gifts. She had a blast even though the temperature creeped up to 95 degrees that day.. We went in the morning to avoid the heat, but it didnt work out that way. We ended up missing the outdoor dolphin show because of the heat ...I dont think Alex was upset about that at all.... as after a couple hours she kept saying, "Mommy I go home , Mommy I go home now......Anyways here are some pictures before both Brian and I were dripping with sweat...... Awesome!

Here is Alex with her nose pressed up against the window to get a better view of the penguins

The seals kept following the kids around the glass window. They were so funny and playful.

Brian and Alex were petting sharks here.... Ya, I said petting. Can you believe it? Who would of thought that sharks make it into the petting area with the goats and stuff? Apparently these ones were not supposed to have teeth? Whatever, I am still scared for life from Jaws.

Brian hoists Alex on his shoulders so she can get a better look at the "Evident" (Elephant) bath.

If I get any bigger with this pregnancy, I mentioned to Brian, this is how they will have to bathe me in my remaining weeks.

Alex and I feed the giraffes sweet potatoes.

And I am spent

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