Monday, December 8, 2008

lactation consultant

Here is a picture of my new lactaction consultant, demonstrating the correct use of my breast pump


Lori said...

Alex is a pro, look at that! Does she give Kamryn little pep talks on proper latching and the hidden dangers of over-drinking, acid reflux, etc?

Courtney and Jason said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I am dying laughing right now. That is hysterical. Looks like she knows what she's doing! She's a step ahead of me...I had no clue how to work that thing when I first got it. One look at it weirded me out. Let's see some pics of that Kamryn! How is she??

KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

That is too funny. Atleast she is using it correctly... my older two thought that it was a musical instrument and were blowing into it like a trumpet.