Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On a Serious note....

I try to post stuff from time to time...  humorous happenings and doings of our family... But on a serious note please keep my sister in law... Bridget in your thoughts and prayers as she has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Disease ( French Polio).... A paralyzing disease that uses your own bodies immune system to attack your nervous system. Bridget has been unable to move and  in the ICU since Thanksgiving and will most likely need continued therapy next year. Stay strong Bridget! Everyday you grow stronger. You have no idea how many people are pulling for ya! 


1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh my word Robyn ... i will totally keep her in my prayers. What a beautiful family. I'm so sorry she's having to go through this. Again, tons of prayers for her.