Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fall/ Halloween time

Made a trip to the Quad Cities for Fall break to spend some quality with the Hammys

Brian/Chad's actual big wheels they had when they were Tyler's age. Someone call Antique Roadshow.

 We made pumpkin pies from the apple trees right outside.  Awesome!

Some of us had trouble getting our poop in the toilet. GROSS! Tyler

We visited the local pumpkin patch and measured our growth for the year.

We went on some amazing hikes in the woods behind the Grandma and Grandpas house.

Waiting in line in costume at the local HyVee for some Halloween freebies

Mason was the green lizard, Eric K. was black spidy, Kamryn was Anna, Alex was Elsa, Eric G. was Mario, and Tyler was batman, wings and all.

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